Friday, April 5, 2013

What Would You Change?

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine today and he asked me a question even I had to sit back and search my brain for an answer. He asked me "If it's one thing in this world you would change about anything..what would it be?" His answer was, he would change the mindset of the youth today from the kill or be killed attitude to a build wach other up and work together attitude. While my friend was speaking, my mind wondered off and I started thinging about the whole "crab in a barrel" effect. Basically if you put a bunch of crabs in one barrel they are all trying to get out at one time so instead of working to get out, they are pulling each other down because they are trying to be pulled out instead of getting out themselves. Then i drifted back into the real world when he was finishing up what he was talking about and he asked me.."So what would you change?". If I could change one thing it would be....(still thinking)...I would change how history in America is being taught to todays society. I believe that the things that should be taught in history class is the real America. Not the American dream america. The struggles, the heartbreak, the lies and murder, the triumph, the victory, THE TRUTH!!!. Why is George Washington made out to be this "man-god" in these history books? Someone to be admired and looked up too? Ummm...didnt he own slaves? I thought slavery was bad....? When Hoover became president he made Dr. King jr. public enemy number 1 simply because he was the voice of a race of people he thought were inferior to white people. Do you think thats in the history books?..AT ALL!!..(smh) This is an elected official we're talking about here. Someone thats studied for a test so they can pass grade school. I use to work with this one guy that was like 20 something..he didnt even know who Nelson Mandela was...really guy?..Anyway..What I'm trying to say is..the people who changed history to make it what it is today should be studied in history book. Not corrupted officials given a job by ignorance.

So my question to you is...If you could change anything what would it be?"

Peace and Love

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