Thursday, April 4, 2013


Hello all,


         My name is Christopher Allen. Some people call me Chris, but most people just call me Allen.

Im 22 years old. I consider myself a young man but an old soul. Meaning, although I'm young according to "Father Time", I've developed mentally enough to bang with the big boys. SO TRY ME!! lol. I enjoy creative thinking, intellectual conversation, writing, music, exploring different cultures, food, conversation, women, and money. The things I don't approve of are racism, rape, murder...basically the devils work. Although I do enjoy swearing lol. I created this blog page to voice my thinking without speaking...(I'll give you a moment to catch up)...oh yea and I can be very sarcastic at times. Eventhough this is my first blog I already find this very relaxing and almost therapeutic for me. Basically with this page I will be blogging about this that have interested me throughout the day. Rather it be a random thought, interesting conversation, something I heard on the news, or even a conversation I over heard and had an opinion on.



                                                                                                                                    Peace and Love,


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